Essential kit for beginner runners.
If you're new to running it can be very overwhelming navigating the masses of sports equipment out there marketed towards runners. In this post we aim to break it down for you to help YOU decide what's really 'essential' for new runners.
Whether you are aiming to do the couch to 5k or run a marathon, your first and most important bit of kit is your running shoes. if you're going to splash out the cash on anything your shoes are the one bit of kit to do it on! That's not saying that your shoes have to be super expensive just that if you spend £30 on your shoes they're not going to give you as much cushioning or support as say a pair around the £100-£120 mark. Ill fitting shoes can cause a whole host of problems from plantar fasciitis to shin splints. To help you decide which shoes are best for you, going to a specialist running store and getting their advice or preferably a gait analysis ensures you get the right shoes for you. For more information about the different types of shoes see this blog post. To book online for a gait analysis click here.
Your second most important piece of kit for ladies is a sports bra. Once the coopers ligament around the breast stretches there's nothing you an really do to tighten it again. Sports bras reduce movement up to 60% compared to a normal bra at 35%. A good bra also helps to alleviate back and breast pain can even improve performance. To learn more about the importance of a sports bra and what sports bra is right for you can read our blog post on the importance of spots bras and how to find the right fit.
In terms of clothing there's nothing particularly 'essential' that you need however its always good to have a technical top that is moisture wicking with seams that don't rub. It just gives you little bit of comfort and coolness whilst you're running.
In terms of everything else there's nothing else you really 'need' however below are some suggestions that certainly make life easier and more comfortable whilst running and lets be honest we all love the easy life!
Socks!!! I'll be honest I never used to run in a technical sock and used to be horrified at paying more that £5 for a pair of socks. However since trying the feetures socks I will never wear non technical/ cheap socks again. They help to prevent blisters keep your feet cool and they don't slip down in your shoes. Much like running shoes there are many different socks out there and what works for one person may not be right for another but the main features to look out for in a sock are:
- Moisture wicking fabric to keep feet cool and dry
- Padding around areas where you're more likely to develop blisters,
- Tightly woven around the arch for protection and comfort and to stop slipping,
- Seamless design around toes so there's nothing to irritate the toes.
To shop our range of socks click here.
Another super useful bit of kit is a running waist belt such as the Flipbelt and the Ronhill waist belt . With phones getting bigger, carrying them on your run gets more and more difficult! Having a waist belt means you can carry your phone, keys, gels, tissues, gloves in winter and some even have water bottles to fit so you carry water. The other bonus of a running belt is you don't need to worry about getting shorts / running tights with a pocket big enough for all your stuff.
The very last bit of kit that is often helpful is Body Glide. Its a skin lubricant that helps to prevent chafing and is sweat and water resistant. Its a little more expensive than some petroleum based lubricants however as petroleum stains clothes and stops the moisture wicking properties of fabrics, its better to use a slightly more technical skin lubricant.
So really in terms of 'essential kit' its pretty simple. Don't let the myriad of products available worry you. Once you've got the basics sorted you can go from there and find out what works best for you.
If you ever have any questions or queries about running, you can always drop up us a message on our online contact form or pop into store. We're always happy to answer questions and help in any way we can on peoples running journey.